Sell with PistonHeads Auctions

Our team of car experts will work with you to set an appropriate reserve and curate a professional listing. Once you’re ready, we’ll showcase your car to the largest premium and performance car marketplace in the UK. The best part – listing is free!

Do you have a cherished performance, classic or collectible car worth more than £5,000 that you're considering selling? Let us help you maximise its value. We'll make sure your car is seen by the largest audience of performance car buyers in the UK. Please fill out this form with as much detail as possible about your car and one of our consignment team will be in touch very soon.

Your personal details

Your car details

Send us your photos

We would love it if you sent us some photos of your vehicle. Please email your photos to

This is a hassle-free premium paid service which includes valeting, professional photography, secure storage, managed viewings and sale administration.

Why choose PistonHeads auctions?

No seller fees

We make selling your car easy. Choose our standard service and your listing is free, regardless of whether your car sells. Listings are only live for 7 days so we’ll move things along quickly.

Professional photography and copy

We’ll put you in contact with our network of professional photographers across the UK who will make your car look its best. Plus, our detailed descriptions help instil confidence in our millions of potential buyers.

Exclusive audience access

Put your vehicle in front of the right people – we bring together the UK’s largest online motoring community and some of the most trusted car dealers.

Frequently asked questions

    • We will not be able to consign every vehicle, but we will give each enquiry meaningful consideration.

    • Once we have processed your enquiry, we will get in touch with you to discuss your vehicle and the auction process.

    • It is free to list your vehicle when you choose our standard service, regardless of whether your car sells or not. With our standard service, PistonHeads will provide support for the listing of your vehicle.

    • Alternatively, you can let the concierge service provider handle cleaning, viewings, storage and sale administration. Sellers using this service will pay £500 + VAT. If your car does not sell, the fee is still applicable, plus any additional fees that have been agreed upon - such as transport logistics, extended storage, inspections and/or minor repairs.

    • With the concierge service, all you have to do is drop off your vehicle to one of our partner’s sites in the UK. There, your car will be valeted and photographed by our network of professional photographers; photography will include detailed shots of the interior, exterior, mechanical parts and documents associated with your vehicle. 

    • The concierge service provider will then store your vehicle for the duration of the auction and host all viewings for potential buyers. At the end of the auction, you will arrange payment with the winning bidder directly. The winning bidder will then arrange with the concierge service provider to collect the vehicle from their site.

    • If you opt to use the concierge service, the cost of £500 + VAT is to be paid before collection of the vehicle by the concierge service provider. 

    • If you wish to have your car delivered by a third-party, we can provide you with a quotation. Any additional costs for repairs or other services are extra.

    • We may assist you with providing contact information for our network of professional photographers to photograph your vehicle. While we do not conduct a formal inspection, our network of photographers will document the car’s condition.

    • If you use the concierge service, the concierge service provider will confirm that the vehicle is the same vehicle submitted to the consignment team. The concierge service provider will then give the vehicle a NAMA grading which will be posted on the vehicle’s auction listing.

    • You should be prepared to have requests to view your car. This can make a big difference to some buyers.

    • If you do not want to manage viewings, you can let the concierge service provider handle them by using the concierge service.

    • As outlined in our Terms & Conditions, a seller must not list, post or otherwise make available the applicable vehicle on any other auction, dealership, or listing service. 

    • In the event the seller violates this, the seller will be required to pay the Buyer’s Fee that would have been paid by a Buyer who won the auction. This will be calculated based on the Reserve the Seller sets, and if No Reserve is set, the User will be charged £500 + VAT.

    • All auctions run for 7 days unless advertised otherwise. Auctions cannot be ended early.

    • Any auction listing that has been converted to a 'Buy it Now' listing will run for an agreed upon period, up to a maximum of 30 days. The listing will expire at the end of this period or when a buyer agrees to the listing price and makes an offer, whichever occurs first.

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How do auctions work?

  1. Step 1

    Submit your vehicle for auction

    Tell us a little bit about your vehicle and we’ll get in touch to see if it’s the right fit for an upcoming auction.

  2. Step 2

    Work with our team of experts to curate your listing

    If selected, we’ll work with you to set a reserve, take professional photographs, and write a detailed description for your listing.

  3. Step 3

    Interact with bidders during the live auction

    Once you’ve approved your listing, we’ll showcase it on the site. You’ll have a chance to respond to sellers directly via our Q&A section and see bids as they come in.

  4. Step 4

    Get in touch with the winning bidder and collect payment

    When the auction ends, we’ll put you in touch with the winning bidder so you can exchange funds and transfer ownership. If your reserve was not met, we’ll provide you with other options to help you sell your vehicle.

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